Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving
Donate to Support the 2020 Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving!
Alumni Dues

Pay your Kappa Sigma Alumni Dues Today! Starting at $55 a year (June 1-May 31) each year, or pay lifetime dues at $1,500 today. 

Jackson's Men Program
Become One of Jackson's Men! Since its inception in 1989, nearly 5,000 Brothers have joined this exclusive giving opportunity that starts at just $27.77 a month (36 Months). Brothers who make a ruby level commitment will also be listed permanently on the wall in our Jackson's Men Room at Kappa Sigma Headquarters (or upgrade your pledge).
Stephen Alonzo Jackson Memorial Plaza

Purchase a personalized paver, of 4 sizes in the Stephen Alonzo Jackson Memorial Plaza. Starting at $250, this is a great way to leave your mark at Kappa Sigma.

Parents' Leadership Circle
The Parents' Leadership Circle Program provides an opportunity for parents to make direct contributions which will benefit their Kappa Sigma sons and their Kappa Sigma Brothers.  
Chapter Scholarship Fund
Chapter Scholarship Funds enable generous brothers to direct their scholarship assistance to members of their own or any particular chapter.
Named Scholarship-Leadership Awards
You can support many different Named Scholarship-Leadership Awards! You can also create a new named award by scrolling to the bottom of the page, and clicking "create a new named award". 
Annual Endowment Fund Drive
The General Fund helps operate our Museum and Headquarters in Charlottesville, Virginia, and helps to provide Scholarships to Chapters without fully-funded Chapter Scholarship Funds. This Fund was created to maintian, support, and enhance the International Headquarters as an architectural landmark of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and provide Scholarship funds. 
Jackson's Chapter Program
The Jackson's Chapter Program provides undergraduate chapters the opportunity to give back to their undergraduates through direct donations to the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund.
Kappa Sigma has earned its place as the world’s most preferred fraternity. To preserve our most distinguished traditions and preserve the future of our Order, the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund Trustees, in conjunction with the Supreme Executive Committee, have undertaken the most visionary funding campaign in Kappa Sigma history. The campaign is scheduled to conclude in 2019, to join in the celebration with our 150th Anniversary in North America.